Directors urged to adhere to laws to ensure smooth running of Saccos


Saccos’ Boards of Directors across the country have been urged to adhere to their by-laws and the country’s laws to ensure the provision of quality services to members.

Nakuru East Sub-County Director of Cooperatives Alex Muchemi regretted that majority of Sacco boards are flouting laws and regulations that are meant to protect members’ savings and assets and ensure the smooth running of the cooperatives.

”Resources that Saccos have belong to members and Boards should ensure that laws are followed to the letter in the management of said resources,” he said.

Muchemi noted that Sacco members have the right to question any matter or misunderstanding regarding Saccos and their operation; and also contribute to ways to improve Sacco services.

The Director encouraged members to always attend Education Days and Annual General Meetings to stay aware of their Saccos’ progress and contribute to the improvement of quality service.

He was speaking during Vision Afrika DT Sacco’s Special Delegates Meeting at Nuru Palace Hotel in Nakuru City.

By Peter Otuoro

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