Kihika urges Sacco leaders to embrace good leadership for survival of cooperatives

Nakuru county Governor Susan Kihika has urged Sacco leaders to embrace good leadership to ensure the survival of their societies.

In a speech read on her behalf by Deputy governor David Kones during the 101st Ushirika day celebrations, Kihika said Saccos are great contributors of economic development hence they should be managed well to safeguards the property and finance of all members.

She noted that she is aware cooperative societies have created a lot of job opportunities for the youth and consequently improved living standards.

Kihika promised to support all cooperative societies through looking for markets for their products and services and also creating an avenue for value addition which will enable them to have quality products.

She also revealed that her government will initiate an Enterprise Development Fund that will support cooperative societies.

On his part, the deputy governor encouraged the cooperative societies to share amongst themselves ideas, experiences and skills to run the societies competitively for the best interests of members and the growth of the society.

The event was also attended by various dignitaries including Nakuru county Chief Officer in-charges of Cooperative Martin Kagai, County Director of Cooperatives Josphine Ngandu, KUSCCO officials, CIC representative, Cooperative Bank representatives and officials from various Saccos.

By Peter Otuoro

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