Kilifi farmers urged to use irrigation methods to boost food production

Kilifi County Department of Agriculture and Crops Chief Officer Teddy Yawa (left) during the distribution of hand pumps to farmers. Photo Courtesy

The Chief Officer at the Department of Agriculture and Crops in Kilifi County has urged farmers to employ irrigation methods to beef up the production of food.

Speaking during the distribution of hand pumps and dam liners recently in Tezo, Kilifi North, Officer Teddy Yawa said that farmers should desist from over-dependence on rainfall as its pattern has become more irregular in recent times.

“The rainfall nowadays is way more unpredictable and if farmers embrace irrigation methods, there is a likelihood of improving food production as well as food security in this region,” he said.

The Officer revealed that the county seeks to increase food sufficiency by at least 5% annually.

His sentiment comes in response to a disappointing harvest from the previous planting season which was caused by inadequate rainfall despite the county’s extensive distribution of seedlings and fertilizer.

Tezo asserted that the county is committed to improving irrigation infrastructure, including the construction of dams in various areas to facilitate water harvesting during rainy seasons which can then be used for irrigation during dry periods.

At the same time, the county Agricultural Officer Kazungu Ngoa emphasized the need for educating farmers on water harvesting techniques and the benefits of irrigation, given the region’s frequent rainfall shortages.

“Kilifi County over the years has had a problem with frequent rainfall shortages and that calls for measures to harvest water during the rainy season for future use, especially during planting seasons,” he said.

By Vostine Ratemo

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