Mategwa Appointed To CDF-Canada Board of Directors

Kenya National Police DT Sacco CEO David Sahelo Mategwa

David Sohelo Mategwa, the national chairman of Kenya National Police DT Sacco, has been appointed as a board director at the Cooperative Development Foundation of Canada Kenya office.

Mategwa, who is also the vice chairperson of the African Co-operative Development Foundation (ACDF), will serve on the board for a period of three years.

ACDF is the charitable division of the African Confederation of Cooperative Savings and Credit Associations (ACCOSCA), which aims to support Saccos in overcoming challenges and embracing opportunities on the continent.

Under Mategwa’s leadership, the Sacco has grown into a prominent financial institution with over 72,000 members.

The 56-year-old father of six joined the police force in 1988 and faced numerous challenges during his early years as a police recruit in Garissa, a dry land in north-eastern region.

The ACCOSCA Board and Management have congratulated him on his new role at the Cooperative Development Foundation (CDF) of Canada, Kenyan office.


By Amos Kerich

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