Mombasa Port Sacco bosses scoop awards

By Stephen Makabila

Mombasa Port Sacco Chairman and CEO have been feted among the best in the Country. Peter Nyamai, Mombasa

Port Sacco Chairman emerged 1st runners up in  the Chairman of the Year Award during this year’s Champions of Governance (COG) Awards, organized by The Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK).

Mombasa Port Sacco was also ranked second runners-up in the Most Improved Organization Award category during the

COG Awards ceremony held at the Intercontinental hotel on November 4th, 2016, a win attributed to Nyamai and his CEO Dedan Ondieki . Mombasa Port Sacco was the only Society from the Coast region, which featured prominently during

the ICPSK event. The recognition given to Mombasa Port Sacco during this Governance event is attributed to h a r d

work and dedication of staff, management and its Board of Directors. Indeed, it has been one of the most successful

years for Mombasa Port Sacco after it clinched several trophies and awards in 2016.

During the Int e rna t iona l Co-operatives Day on July 1st, 2016, Mombasa Port Sacco was declared the Best Managed Parastatal Sacco in Kenya, Best Sacco in Education  and Training and Sacco with the Highest Rate of Interest on Member Deposits, at 15 per cent.

The ICPSK Champions of Governance (COG) Award is an Award for excellence in governance given to organizations and individuals that exhibit the highest standards of practice of good governance.

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