Nandi county cooperatives shine in Nairobi Coffee Exchange

The Kapsaos and Sorwot Coffee Cooperatives in Nandi County have registered a remarkable performance at the Nairobi Coffee Exchange (NCE) Auction this week.

Kapsoas Farmers’ Cooperative Society stood out by achieving the highest price per lot as it presented 135 bags through their broker, New KPCU, and each bag was purchased by C. Dormans at $250 (Ksh39,500), totaling $40,780 (Ksh6,443,240).

The impressive performance is a result of the county government’s efforts to boost coffee production and become the leading coffee-producing county in the country.

Earlier in the year, the county CEC for Agriculture Dr. Kiplimo Lagat shared their strategy to expand production in suitable agro-ecological zones in the North and South Coffee Belts which have a higher potential for coffee cultivation.

The county has been actively mapping, registering, profiling and training farmers to prepare for increased production.

They are also collaborating with coffee researchers and farmers’ cooperatives to propagate over 2,000,000 coffee seedlings this year.

The Northern Coffee Belt includes Chepterwai, Kipkaren, Ndalat, Kabisaga and Lelmokwo Ngechek wards: while the Southern Coffee Belt encompasses Ol’lessos, Kapchorwa, Tindiret, Songhor Soba, Kapsimotwo, Chemelil-Chemase, Koyo-Ndurio, Kobujoi Maraba, and Terik wards.

The NCE is a non-profit organization regulated by the government to serve as a central auction and trading floor for Kenyan coffee.

It provides a transparent and efficient platform for buyers and sellers to trade coffee. Buyers can inspect and sample the coffee before making a purchase, while sellers can present their coffee to a wide range of buyers.

By Amos Kerich

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