Governor pledges to revive dormant Saccos

By Godfrey Wamalwa Bungoma County Governor Wycliffe Wangamati has said his Government will provide necessary support to revive dormant Saccos and support their growth. He said the County Government will seek support of County Assembly members in legislating laws that will seal the loopholes in the co-operative sector used by unscrupulous people to run down…

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Viktas Sacco worried over loan defaults

By Our Reporter Increasing loan defaulters have affected, Viktas Sacco operations, Chairman Stephen Gathiru has said. “We have taken collective efforts to curb loan defaulting. I would kindly request our members to seek financial advice from our officers when acquiring loans as this will help them make informed decisions,” he said. Gathiru noted there was…

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Ubinifu Sacco realises landmark growth

By Erick Maranga Ubinifu Credit and Saving Co-operative Society whose majority of shareholders are youths has realized a landmark growth financially after two years since inception. This may serve as a game changer as majority of Kenyan youth perceive Saccos as a reserve for older people as majority of them shun any form of savings…

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Women Sacco gets Sh10m boost

By Our Reporter Homa Bay County Women Sacco has received financial boost to strengthen its operations. The society received Sh10 million from Women Enterprise Fund (WEF) and two million shillings from the County Government. Homa Bay County Woman Representative Gladys Wanga said the Sacco was established to enable women be economically independent. “The funds will…

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Kimisitu leads pack of Saccos giving best return to members

By Munene Maina Co-operative societies countrywide braved tough economic period to post good returns to members during the financial year 2017. Going by financial reports presented to members and delegates during Annual Meetings, most societies defied odds and pundits extrapolations of negative outcomes, to register impressive performance for the year. Prolonged drought, long electioneering period,…

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Tugen Hills Co-operative Society wins recognition award

By Enock Kipturgut Tugen Hills Coffee Farmers Cooperative Society is the winner of the Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA), Coffee Directorate Growers Excellence Recognition Award 2018 Baringo Central Chapter. Addressing coffee farmers drawn from Baringo Central Sub County at Tugen Hills Coffee Factory at Katimok Forest, National Director for Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA) Coffee…

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