County to support co-operatives’ growth

By Our Reporter Kilifi County Government will strive to ensure that it creates an enabling environment for the growth of co-operatives. The County Executive Committee Member in charge of Trade, Tourism and Co-operative Development Nahida Mohamed said the county will soon come up with policies on co-operative development. She said the legislation and policies will…

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Residents told to join saccos

By Our Reporter Residents of Vihiga County have been urged to join Saccos and related community savings group to generate and boost their incomes. According to Vihiga Senator George Khaniri, such groups would provide locals with cheap credit and finance to start businesses. A research report shows that out of every ten people in the…

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Wangamati: Form co-ops to boost County economy

By Our Reporter Bungoma County Governor Wycliffe Wangamati has called for concerted efforts by all stakeholders to revive the co-operative movement. Addressing Ngarisha Sacco members during the Sacco’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), Mr Wangamati said co-operatives will boost the county’s economy. He said that through co-operatives, residents will benefit from a variety of investment opportunities…

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