Retired teacher reaps from farming, thanks to Eco-Pillar Sacco


Retired teacher Simon Kabui Kabosh invested heavily in farming using loans he borrowed after saving with Eco-Pillar Sacco.

The man who retired in January this year taught in many schools in West Pokot County and retired while serving as the head-teacher of Propoi Primary School.

He lives in Aruba village, Sinyerere Scheme, Cherangany Sub County of Trans-Nzoia County.

The long time member of Eco-pillar Savings and Credit Society Ltd has done a lot with several loans he borrowed from the SACCO.

He first borrowed Ksh400,000 from the SACCO and bought a one acre piece of land on which his homestead now stands.

Kabosh then borrowed a second loan was of Ksh600,000 and bought another acre of land  to set up a nourishing tea plantation.

After teaching for seven years, he took another loan of Ksh800,000 from Eco-pillar Sacco which he used to buy two acres of land.

He planted coffee , Sukuma wiki (Kales), potatoes and Mackademia on the piece of land.

A steady, composed and confident farmer Kabui also rears about 100 chicken layers at his homestead.

As a conservationist Kabosh the great farmer also has set aside half an acre of land which he has planted several species of trees which conserves the soil on his farm and also attracts rainfall.

“The several loans I took from Eco-Pillar SACCO LTD at different times has enabled me to educate my children, built a descent house and live honourably amongst the community,” Kabui said.

He is a renown Kiswahili teacher in West Pokot County and was also a national Kiswahili Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) Insha (composition) marker for several years.

He taught at Chepkorniswo Primary School, Chepareria Primary School where he was the deputy headteacher before moving to his last posting at Propoi.

Kabui voluntarily retired from the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) at the age of 55years to fully concentrate in farming.

He thanked Eco-pillar SACCO Ltd for granting him loans which he has used properly for his developments projects. , from which he makes an estimated Ksh950,000 profit per year.

He is a happy family man and gets ready market for his products in Kitale, Kapenguria, Lodwar, Eldoret and as far as Nakuru and Nairobi.    

By Martin Ruto

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