KDC Director-General, Norah Ratemo

Amica Sacco receives Ksh300M to boost agriculture, MSMEs

Kenya Development Corporation (KDC) has lent Ksh300 million in low-cost credit to Murang’a-based Amica Sacco for lending to farmers and micro-traders. The Sacco, which primarily serves farmers and small businesses, will provide loans ranging from Ksh7,000 to Ksh250,000 at a single-digit interest rate to meet working capital needs. The loans are funded by the Ksh8…

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Kang'ata Murang'a youth
Irungu Kang'ata, Murang'a County Governor speaks during the event

Murang’a County sets aside Ksh10.5 million to support youth businesses

Murang’a County Government will disburse a total of Ksh10.5 million to youth who recently underwent Murang’a Youth Service (MYS) programme as start-up capital for various businesses. In the programme initiated by Governor Irungu Kang’ata to create self-employment for the youth, the first cohort of 700 youths graduated under the programme recently, with each graduate given…

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