17 new Saccos registered in Kilifi County

Felister Moraa Ziro, Malindi Sub-County Cooperative Officer./ File photo

Seventeen new Saccos in Malindi and Magarini Sub- Counties in Kilifi County have been registered by the Cooperative Development Ministry.

Malindi Sub- County Cooperative Officer Felister Moraa Ziro in an interview with Sacco Review recently revealed that of the 17 newly registered cooperative societies; nine are from the sub county, while the remaining eight are from Magarini Sub County.

She urged the residents to join Saccos as in the recent years; most people across the country have managed to implement their development projects through taking loans from their respective Societies.


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“Joining Saccos is the right direction towards one’s stability and prosperity. As a result, I would like to urge Kilifi County residents to seize the chance of the newly established Saccos and join them as members so as they can be able to better their lives,”Ziro said.

Further, she urged the Saccos in the county to adopt the use of  Information Communication Technology ( ICT ) to enhance efficiency in service delivery to members as well as tapping in new members.

By Tsozungu Kombe

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