2024 ASK Kisumu Regional Show to open its doors on July 24

ASK Kisumu Regional Show chief steward Rose Omondi and the chairman George Ongudi during a harvest festival procession in Kisumu.

More than 120 exhibitors are expected to showcase their products during this year’s Agricultural Society of Kenya Kisumu Regional Show.

The Chairman of the ASK Kisumu Regional Show George Ong’udi said the show will kick off from July 24 to 28 at the Mamboleo Showground.

Speaking at the St Stephens ACM church in Kisumu during a harvest festival, Ong’udi said this year’s theme is “Promoting Climate Smart Agriculture and Trade Initiatives for sustainable Economic Growth.”

The chairman said among the 120 exhibitors, 30 of them are newcomers.

He said there will be livestock auctioning during the show and this will be done with the help of County Government of Kisumu’s Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. Tanzania and Ghana will also have exhibitors.

The entry fee for adults will be shs 250 while children will pay shs 200.

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi is expected to officially open the show on July 26th

Show chief steward Mrs Rose Omondi said preparations for the event are complete.

Omondi said security will be beefed up during the event and urged members of the public to turn up in large numbers.

Also present at the harvest festival were Kisumu central MP Dr Joshua Oron and his Nyakach counterpart Aduma Owuor and Maseno south diocese head Bishop Charles Onginjo.

By Fredrick Odiero

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