Saccos urged to develop strong check-off systems

By Richard
The County Cooperatives
Khatenya has asked
Saccos in the region
to develop strong
check off systems
when giving out loans
to members. This is to
reduce incidences of
members defaulting
on their repayments.
Saccos, he pointed
out, will also improve
their cash flow
through an elaborate
loan recovery system.
“Although we have
revived a number of
once dormant Cooperatives,
only 114
Societies out of the
200 registered Cooperatives
are active.
We need to reactivate
these Societies so that
we can deal with poverty
in the region,”
said Khatenya.
He noted that it
is only through use
of the Co-operative
model that the County
could harness its resources
and improve
the living standards of
local communities.
“I urge those Saccos
in the Agricultural
sector as well as those
in the Fishing industry
to invest more resources
in value addition
and marketing so
as to improve incomes
of your members,”
said Khatenya. He
added that increasing
their shares in a Sacco
increases one’s borrowing

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