2,000 farmers in Kitui benefit from farming skills

Farmers keenly follow proceedings

About 2,000 farmers from the Matinyani and Kitui West Districts in Kitui County have benefitted from farming skills during a recently organized field day which was attended by close to 20 local farmers.

The event which was organized at Nzomo  Mitau’s farm in Kilimu Village of  Kombu Location, was organized by the Christian Aid in partnership with the Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI), the Caritas Kitui, the  Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA) and the National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project (NARIGP).

Kitui County Agriculture Chief Officer Gladys Kivoto who was the chief guest during the field day lauded the women who take part in farming noting that they were the majority in the county.

Chief Guest Gladys Kivoto speaking during the function.

“What we can do as a County is to give farmers relevant skills in farming. The women are the majority here and I highly appreciate you. The women are the ones who feed the families. They are the ones who look for the food for the families,” she said.


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KEFRI official Bernard Kimani Kigwa stated that the institute is conducting research on various tree species in the region to determine their suitability, stressing on the importance of using indigenous food crops including the sorghum, cowpeas, millet and cassava for the benefits of the human health.

Kigwa represented KEFRI Kitui Regional Research Centre Director, Dr. Albert M. Luvanda at the function.


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