USAID 4TheChild empowers families with business assets in Kisumu County

USAID 4TheChild has given out business assets worth approximately KES 6,859,950 targeting 551 households.

Chief of Party USAID4TheChild Mr George Okoth said the beneficiaries are involved in tailoring business, hair dressing and fast-food businesses (selling fries, fish and pastries).

Speaking in Kisumu during the release of the items, Okoth said the assets will improve caregivers’ business performance resulting in increased household income and subsequently, improved household resilience.

In Kisumu County, the period that ended on September 30th, 2024, USAID 4TheChild project served over 55,000 OVC and over 14,000 active Adolescent Girls and Young Women.  ‘The project supported 6,351 children living with HIV in the county, out of these, 95% were virally suppressed. ‘he said.

Cumulatively, he said, the project has invested KES 3,326,955,491 in Kisumu County in the last four years with KES 739,782,832 spent in FY24 which ended on 30th September and KES 652,807,415 budgeted for FY25.

To improve household resilience, Okoth mentioned, USAID 4TheChild prioritized business support which included provision of business grants, business productive assets and business incubation as strategic interventions to spur income growth among vulnerable households.

In the financial period that ended September 30th, 2024, he outlined, the project provided business grants to 1,301 households totaling KES 10,930,920, business assets to 543 households worth KES 7,661,940 and business incubation to 346 households in Kisumu County.


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In the financial year 2024, he said MUCHS signed memorandum of understanding with World Bicycle Relief (WBR) to provide a framework for partnership in supporting mobility for beneficiaries and community cadre supporting project implementation.

Through the MoU, Okoth further said, for every purchase of one bicycle by USAID 4TheChild, WBR donates two bicycles. With each bicycle costing KES 30,000.

He said 29 volunteers (13 are CHPs) received bicycles as a reward for meeting performance benchmarks during the period that ended September 30th, 2024.

This Okoth said, will go a long way to support their mobility within the community as they monitor and serve the beneficiaries and their communities.

The Project seeks to increase use of quality county-led health and social services for the target beneficiaries, working closely with national and county governments.

He said USAID 4TheChild has collaborated with the County Government of Kisumu to facilitate complementation and co-monitoring of interventions through the Kisumu County Program Delivery Committee (CPDC), chaired by the office of County Commissioner. CPDC is a sub-committee of the County Children Advisory Council (Children’s Act 2022)


By:  Fredrick Odiero  


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