Adhere to bylaws to boost service delivery, Saccos told

Nakuru County Deputy Director of Cooperatives George Ogallo adressing delegates during the AGM.

Nakuru County Deputy Director of Cooperatives George Ogallo has urged Saccos and cooperative societies to strictly adhere to rules and bylaws to ensure efficient service delivery to members.

He made the remarks while addressing delegates during ACK Imani Talent Sacco Annual General Meeting (AGM) recently.

The Director observed that Annual General Meetings are essential to the running of Saccos thus leaders must create awareness to every member to have an opportunity to air their complaints and suggestions and be aware of the Sacco’s status.

“AGMs are very important event in the calendar of any society so that members know the financial standing of their Sacco and also be aware of all products and services,” he said.


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Ogallo added that the institutions ought to conduct Audits regularly to enhance transparency and accountability.

“Audits enhance accountability and transparency in a cooperative society and members understand and become confident with how their resources are being utilized,” he said.

He also urged Sacco leaders to hold monthly board meetings to brainstorm on how to improve their services and products.

Ogallo said that the monthly meetings enable for better planning, discussions on progression and also finding solutions to challenges being faced at the moment.

By Peter Otuoro

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