Cooperative societies in Molo Sub-County have been urged to strictly adhere to rules and regulation governing the Cooperative Movement in order to provide better services to members.
Molo Sub-County Director of Cooperative Harron Muraya said its is only through adhering to rule and regulations governing Cooperative movement that members can yield the fruits of their work through either saving in Sacco or being a members of the Cooperative society.
He said that many members scarify their resources to either join Sacco or becoming a member of Cooperative Society and thus they need to get better services offered by their cooperative society or Sacco of their choice.
Speaking during 1st Elburgon Maendelo Sacco AGM held at Elburgon, Muraya said as Cooperative officers their roles is to ensure all members get quality services offered by the various Cooperative Societies.
Muraya said as Government officers they will not allow any cooperative society to misuse members fund or resource but they are ready to use all means possible within the laws to protect the resources of members.
“It is our key role to ensure we safeguard the resources of all members who have join various Cooperative movement by ensuring the Board of Directors conduct their duties in accordance with the laws governing cooperative movement”, said Muraya.
He also urged Supervisory Committee to perform their duties professionally as the watchdogs of Sacco resources.
“The Supervisory Committee should ensure the Board utilised the fund of the Sacco in Accordance with the approved Budget of the Sacco”, said Molo Sub-County Director.
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The Director also urged members to be active and ask necessary question and comments during Annual General Meetings and Education Day so that they can be knowledgeable about the services and products of Saccos.
Muraya said Sacco are icon of economic development which can improve the economical standards of members if members received better services and products from their saccos.
He added that Cooperative Movements should only partner with organisations which add value to their products and services for the betterment of service delivery to all members
By Peter Otuoro.
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