Anchor Premier Sacco management rolls out plans to recover lost properties

Members of Anchor Premier Sacco, formerly Urithi Premier Sacco, can now heave a sigh of relief after the new management rolled out plans to recover their properties still held up by Urithi Housing Co-operative Society Limited.

The Sacco, which was associated with Urithi, rebranded three years ago by dropping the name Urithi and replacing it with Anchor as it sought to detach itself from the troubled housing cooperative.

Vice Chairperson Joseph Mbai said most members had secured loans and bought properties through Urithi but were yet to receive land ownership documents, including title deeds.

He divulged that unscrupulous individuals at the helm of the Sacco had pilfered members’ funds leading to mass withdrawals by shareholders.

“After we rebranded and separated from Urithi Housing, all members’ details including their accounts and shares were transferred to the new Sacco. Most members gave up and still believe they lost their money and properties. We are therefore appealing to everyone who was a member of Urithi Premier Sacco to visit Anchor Sacco offices because shares are still intact and we are in the process of recovering their properties,” Mbai said.

He noted that the Sacco had over 8,000 members but currently only 3,000 are active.

The Vice Chairman divulged that the Sacco leadership will be meeting with Urithi Housing officials, including their chairman Samuel Maina for reconciliation and auditing of all projects with an aim of establishing the properties belonging to Anchor Sacco.

“We want a thorough audit of all projects so that we can fast track issuance of title deeds to our members. This is why we are telling our members that all is not lost; they will get the properties they bought,” he said.

Mbai said that even in cases where members’ parcels had disputes, the Sacco Board will intervene and ensure that the dispute is resolved amicably and that the members get their land.

 Anchor Sacco members led by Monica Nyambura hailed the new leadership for restoring hope that they will get their properties back.

“We are grateful to our leaders who are working tirelessly to put things straight and restore the integrity of the Sacco,” Nyambura, who joined the Sacco in 2016, said.

By Kamau Njoroge

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