Sacco Review

George Ombado, CEO African Confederation of Cooperative Savings and Credit Association (ACCOSCA).

Covid-19: WOCCU appoints new committee to identify, share best practices with co-ops

By Staff Reporter African Confederation of Savings and Credit Cooperatives Chief Executive Officer George Ombado has been named a member of the World Council of Credit Unions newly established Committee.  The Covid-19 Response Committee will be dedicated to identifying best practices and strategies that credit unions around the globe can utilize to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic….

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Neno Sacco Chairman Mr Peter Manga during an interview.

Dust to Grass: journey of Neno from welfare to reputable Sacco

By Kamundia Muriithi A welfare group formed by a few matatu operators in Embu County in the late 90s has grown into one of the largest public transport Saccos in the country. Nairobi, Embu, Nissan Operators (Neno) Sacco is today a formidable and reputable transport based cooperative with a fleet of well managed vehicles in…

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Governor for Vihiga County, Wilber Ottichilo.

Vihiga’s 95 registered Saccos plagued by challenges

By Our Reporter Vihiga County has well over 95 registered co-operative societies based on agriculture and savings and credit co-operative societies (SACCOs), housing, handicraft, and transport services. These co-operatives are distributed as follows: four dairy, five coffee, 57 savings and credit (Saccos), 12 housing, and 17 other co-operative societies based in the informal economic sector….

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Mr Geoffrey Njang'ombe, Senior Deputy Commissioner, State Department for Cooperatives during the past event.

Sh.1 billion Corona kitty mooted to cushon Sacco members

By Sammy Chivanga The State Department of Co-operatives is rooting for a Covid-19 response team to mobilise up to Sh1 billion kitty to support members of co-operative movement and their families as coronavirus continues to cause layoffs and salary cuts. A concept note from the state department shows the unit wants to put up non-clinical…

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Patrick Nyaga, New CEO CIC Insurance Group.

CIC Group pays Sh. 32 million to Amica Sacco despite Covid-19 challenges

CIC Group, a leading cooperatives insurer in Africa, has settled a Sh. 32 million fire insurance claim in favour of Amica Sacco. The claim arose from a fire incident in which a building owned by the Muranga-based Sacco was reduced to ashes in October 2019. Following the claims settlement, the building that also housed Mathai…

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Dr. Gideon Muriuki, Cooperative Bank Group CEO.

Jamii Bora to get a boost from Co-op Bank after buyout

By Staff Reporter Co-op Bank is set to pump more resources to the staggering Jamii Bora Bank as soon as it completes purchasing a controlling 90% stake in the small lender at a cost of Sh. 1 billion. While responding to questions raised by the bank’s significant stakeholders Shorecup II, Conerstone, private equity firm catalyst…

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Mr Geoffrey Njang'ombe, Senior Deputy Commissioner, State Department for Cooperatives during the past event.

Full in-tray for new Commissioner for Co-operatives Njang’ombe

By Our Reporter The acting Commissioner for Co-operative Development Geoffrey Njang’ombe is facing a full-in tray for the sector, with little time to settle given the disruption caused to the economy by coronavirus pandemic. Mr Njang’ombe took over from Didacus Ityeng who served briefly in acting capacity following the exit of Mary Mungai in April…

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Private school Saccos experience financial impotence as Covid-19 cases hit the ceiling

By Tsozungu Kombe Private school-based Savings and Cooperative Societies (Saccos) in Mombasa County have been greatly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Mombasa County Cooperative Commissioner Nelson Nyoro attributed this to the closure of schools that took effect when the first case of Corona virus was reported in he country. He added that the situation has…

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