Sacco Review

New technology to boost agri-business in counties

By Kiprono Moi Use of modern technology will boost farmers’ activities and improve on their income. This was the overriding message during the 10th Agribusiness Expo organized by Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology (RVIST). The two-day exhibition was characterized by new technological innovations and attracted thousands of participants eager to learn new farming…

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South-Rift Sacco members dwindle as multinationals lay off staff

By Benedicto Ng’etich                          Kericho County Director of Cooperatives Leonard Otii has advised Saccos affiliated to giant multinationals to device other means of survival in the face of dwindling membership. Otii expressed fear over the survival of the societies after the parent companies started early retirements of employees due to what has been seen as the…

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