Nakuru County Govt moves to support farmers’ Co-operatives

By Munene Maina. Nakuru County Government has embarked on an ambitious strategy to strengthen farmer’s co-operatives and boost Agricultural sector. Speaking to Sacco Review in his office, Nakuru Co-operatives Director Patrick Mak’Anyengo said strong societies for farmers will ensure they get good returns from their activities. “Agriculture sector plays a big role in our county…

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Kiambu reaps big from thriving Co-op sector

By Munene Maina Kiambu residents are reaping big from the Co-operative sector as many embrace societies to increase their savings and access to affordable credit facilities. The sector is among the key drivers in the County economic growth, according to County Co-operative Commissioner Ephraim Mathenge. The importance of the sector is the reason why the…

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Saccos urged to recruit youth

By Munene Maina Saccos have been challenged to focus their energy at recruiting more young members as a way of safeguarding their survival in the future. “The youth are the future and any Sacco that does not focus on this segment of the population will surely perish,” said Tom Gitogo, CIC Group CEO. He said…

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Angaza Afrika targets Malindi pepper farmers

By Munene Maina Angaza Afrika Sacco has been assisting farmers to improve their activities and find markets both locally and abroad, besides offering them financial advice. “Currently we have partnered with 3,000 pepper farmers in Malindi. We connect farmers with agriculture experts which has helped increase yields,” noted Charity Wanjiku, CEO Angaza Afrika Sacco. She…

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Why Saccos are queuing to open branches in Nakuru

By Azael Masese Nakuru town is slowly emerging as a key strategic destination for Savings and Credit Co-operatives Societies (Saccos) out to improve their balance sheet. In the last five years, Saccos such as Unaitas, Stima, Wananchi, Metropolitan, and Boresha have established a footprint in the town and the number is set to grow in…

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Coffee farmers in Mt Kenya to be trained

Some 41,000 coffee farmers from Mt Kenya region are set to benefit from Sh70 million training programme initiated by Nestle Kenya to help boost production and quality of their produce. The programme which will offer training and technical advice in the next three years also seeks to encourage participation of women and youth in coffee…

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Women urged to form Saccos

By Our Reporter Kakamega County women have been asked to form Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (Saccos) to help mobilize resources and access funding from governmental and private agencies in the country. MPs from the region led by Woman Representative, Rachel Ameso said formation of investment groups and Saccos among women was the surest route…

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