How digitization is changing the financial landscape of Saccos

In recent years, Kenya’s Savings and Credit Cooperatives (Saccos) have undergone a revolutionary transformation, thanks to the advent of internet banking. This technological leap has not only modernized financial services but has also brought about a myriad of benefits for Saccos. Traditionally, Sacco members had to navigate long queues within limited operating hours to access…

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Stakeholders should devise measures to ensure timely remittances to Saccos

One major hindrance to efficient service delivery among Saccos in Kenya is delayed remittances from some employers. Unfortunately, delayed remittances happen despite the fact that under Section 35 of the Cooperative Societies Act, Cap 490, there are clear legal provisions intended to ensure recovery of delayed remittances upon expiry of seven (7) days of the…

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SACCO Saccos

Why Saccos are the preferred financial solution partner

Saccos have increasingly become popular In Kenya acting as vehicles for financial inclusion and wealth creation. Saccos are member-owned financial organizations that provide affordable credit facilities to members. Interest rates charged on SACCO loans are generally lower than those offered by commercial banks, making SACCOs a better option for major investments in the country’s economy….

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Nelly Melita: How my love for githeri nearly cost me Ufanisi Sacco job

Nelly Kamau Melita, Honorary Secretary of Ufanisi DT Sacco, shares her life experience and journey to get to the top. It is an hilarious journey that began in 2009, riding on one particular incident that looked like her fortunes were lost forever. She remembers this with clarity, frivolous as it might be but it took…

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First cooperative stakeholders conference turns into a huge annual event

Stakeholders in the cooperative movement have decided that the Co-operative Movement Stakeholders’ Conference will now be an annual event, which will be held every year in the month of June. This was agreed during the first conference held at Sarova Whitesands Beach Resort in Mombasa themed ‘Co-operative Business Model for Socio-Economic Transformation’. Itattracted more than…

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Why Saccos are gradually overtaking banks in lending

Intensive marketing and customer-friendly financial solutions have seen Saccos overtaking commercial banks in deposits and customer numbers. Experts have attributed this revolution to adherence to guidelines set by regulatory bodies, including the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK), attractive loan interest rates, quick processing of loans, and favourable returns through interest and end of year dividend…

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Respected don asks co-operatives to accept mergers for fast growth

Deputy Vice Chancellor Finance Planning and Administration at the Co-operative University of Kenya (CUK) and career cooperator Prof Esther Gicheru has called for mergers in the co-operative sector if better governance and management have to be achieved. In her presentation titled ‘The Contribution of the Cooperative Business Model in Development: Practices and Opportunities’ to the…

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