Metropolitan Sacco

TSC stopped 11,310 teachers’ remittances to Metropolitan Sacco

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) released a list teachers whose remittances to Metropolitan Sacco had been stopped and those who are still active members. In a letter dated April 4, signed by TSC CEO Dr Nancy Macharia, directed to clerk of Senate, she said 11,310 teachers’ remittances were stopped while 2,401 teachers were still members…

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President Dr William Ruto (middle) with cabinet Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi (left) and Kakamega governor Fernandes Barasa (right) among other dignitaries when he arrived yesterday to officially open the 2024 Kakamega International investment conference at Masinde Muliro university grounds.

President Ruto urges investors to put their money in Kakamega

Inaugural Kakamega international investment conference (KAIICO) gathered leaders from the National Government, Western Kenya, and Kakamega County respectively to showcase the potential for partnership and collaboration. Addressing the event, President William Ruto emphasised the need to attract both local and foreign investments as one way of transforming the vast potential of counties across all sectors…

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Kennedy Keya, Invest and Grow Sacco Chairman. Photo Courtesy

Invest and Grow Sacco’s annual profit surges to KSh1.91 billion

The Invest and Grow (IG) Sacco, based in Kakamega County on Wednesday February 28, 2024 reported a 2.5 per cent jump in 2023 net profit. The net profit of KSh1.91 billion for last year compares with a profit of KSh1.86 million a year earlier. The Sacco intends to enroll more members to channel their income…

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Kisumu's Mowlem bus park.

Why Kisumu City manager ordered PSVs out of petrol stations

Kisumu City Manager Abala Wanga has ordered all Public Services Vehicles (PSVs) operating and has offices within petrol stations, to cease their operations in such places effective March 10, 2024. In a signed Statutory Public Notice, Wanga said the move is one of the ongoing efforts to enhance the efficiency and orderliness of public transport…

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Mumias Sugar Company entrance.

Cane farmers want to be paid KSh6,050 per tonne

Cane farmers have told Sugar millers that they won’t accept less than KSh6050 per tonne for cane delivered to the factories for milling. The farmers declared that the payment per ton as from this month (February) will only be reviewed upwards and not downwards as has been the trend for many years. The sentiments were…

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Lake Victoria Tourism Association Chairman Robinson Anyal speaks in Kisumu during the 10th Nyanza Region Hotel Suppliers Expo concluded recently.

Western tourism circuit on the road to recovery

The Western Kenya tourism circuit is now on the recovery path following the shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has realized remarkable gains signified by the number of new hotels and conference facilities sprouting up to meet the demand of the rising number of visitors in the region. Lake Victoria Tourism Association Chairman Robinson Anyal…

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Kakamega County Governor Fernandes Barasa.

Farmers urged to plant more sugarcane to increase boost Mumias Sugar’s output

Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa has urged cane farmers in the Western region to increase sugarcane production to boost the input toward Mumias Sugar Company. Speaking to journalists after a surprise visit to the sugar miller, Barasa reiterated the government’s pledge to provide required farming inputs to farmers, adding that the county government will also chip…

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Antony Kering being celebrated after being elected to lead the Kenya National Police DT SACCO Bungoma branch.

Kenya National Police DT SACCO Bungoma branch elects new officials

The Kenya National Police DT SACCO Bungoma zone finally has new officials after the branch held elections recently after several postponements. In the elections held at Bungoma Police Station with 383 members, Antony Kering garnered 103 votes, closely followed by Zebedee Otee with 102 votes while Victor Kiprotich got 76 votes and Mary Odhiambo garnered…

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Members of Mulembe Women Congress during the launch of Shinyalu chapter.

Women in Western Kenya Urged to Embrace Saccos

Women in the Western Kenya region have been encouraged to join and invest in Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies (Saccos) in order to succeed in economic empowerment. Speaking during the launch of Mulembe Women Congress Malava chapter held at friends’ church, Joseph Busiega, the chief of staff in the office of Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia…

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Rosterman artisinal miners during the launch of the Sacco.

Gold miners in Kakamega Central launch Sacco

Artisanal miners from Rosterman area have a reason to smile after Kakamega Central Miners Sacco was launched recently. The development is in line with the directive by the State Department for Mining that all artisanal mining activities be carried out through Saccos only. County Artisanal Mining Committee (AMC) Chairperson Chairperson Patrick Ligami said that the…

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