Farmers to face Ksh1m fine or jail for unlicensed ndengu farming

Farmers face KSh1m fine, jail for unlicensed ndengu farming./ Photo courtesy

Kenyan farmers growing mung beans (Ndengu) without a license face a KSh1 million fine or jail if a new Bill before Parliament becomes law.

Under the Mung Beans Bill, sponsored by Kitui County Senator Enoch Wambua, individuals are prohibited from marketing, processing, or engaging in large-scale trading of mung beans or their products without obtaining a license from the appropriate county government as this license must be renewed annually.

“A person who contravenes the provisions of this law shall commit an offence and (shall) be liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding one million shillings or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or both,” the Bill states.


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The Bill was first read on February 15, 2023 following the necessary procedures; it was amended and passed in February 2024 before being referred to the National Assembly.

The Bill stipulates that all individuals cultivating ndengu must register with the appropriate county minister, who will then be responsible for keeping a record.

This registration will record details including the grower’s name, the location, size, and parcel number of the land where Ndengu is being cultivated, as well as the variety being grown.

The Bill will mandate that all pertinent county ministers form county licensing committees. Additionally, a county government has the authority to introduce additional legislation outlining the criteria for issuing a license and specifying the information required in an application.

“A county licensing committee may cancel a license issued under this Act where the holder of such a license is in breach of the provisions of this Act or any other relevant national or county legislation,” the Bill states.

By Frank Mugwe

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