Farmers urged to join Saccos

By Tsozungu Kombe

Farmers in Taita Taveta County have been urged to join Saccos in large numbers and save heavily to enable them get loans to boost their undertakings.

Speaking to Sacco Review from Wundanyi town recently, the Taita Taveta County Cooperatives Commissioner Erastus Gonzi said many farmers lack of adequate capital.

He further asked them to save more money and get bigger loans for development of their projects.

Gonzi asked Sacco members to borrow loans wisely and repay promptly to enable other members benefit from the same loan products.

“Patronize your Saccos to enable them offer quality services in a professional way”, he told Sacco members.

He said the county government has registered four new dairy cooperative societies in the region and urged women and youth in the county to form Saccos.

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