Harambee Sacco trains all focus on membership growth

Harambee Sacco is employing every strategy to ensure that they hit their 2025 target of 86,502 members, Sacco chairman Macloud Malonza has said.

Speaking during the 52nd Annual Delegates Meeting (ADM) held at Safari Park Hotel, the chairman said the membership currently stands at 74,274 having recruited 6,276 new members in 2022.

To help sustain the society’s growth, all efforts will be geared towards growing membership and mobilizing deposits going forward.

Sacco’s chief executive (CEO) George Ochiri said with ‘Mteja Kwanza’ as the overriding theme for 2022, they were able to deliver a robust financial performance driven by the spirit of putting customers first.

Ochiri said the Sacco’s strategic theme for 2023 is ‘Towards Living With Dignity’, noting that the 2021-2025 strategic plan is pegged on two key performance targets: institutional strengthening and more services in their mobile service platforms.

“We want to create awareness and appreciation of the institution and its mission going forward as defined in the strategic plan,” said Ochiri.

Ochiri pointed out that the society has been able to reduce the average age of staff from 50 to 36 years. 

“We target to reduce further the average staff age to about 25 to 30. We envision that the learning curve will hit its optimum in 2023,” Ochiri said.

He said the Sacco now has 98 per cent of its services and products on the self-service mobile platform, which they intend to push to 100 per cent in the near future.

The Sacco offers a variety of services that are conveniently at the disposal of customers, some of which are internet banking, agency banking, mobile banking, and Banker’s Cheques.

Harambee Investment Cooperative Society is the subsidiary that helps members acquire and develop property, either for residential or commercial purposes. 

Besides the normal unsecured loans, members may opt to take collateralized loans that have guarantorships to allow easier and faster access to loans.

The Sacco takes Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes seriously as it regularly engages in social welfare programmes such as sustainably donating water tanks to communities in need.

They also actively participate in environmental conservation drives through community partnerships.

By our reporter

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