Kilifi Co-operatives urged to embrace Good leadership

Kilifi county Goveror at Ushirika Day celebrations held at Gongoni traiding center in Magarini sub-county

Kilifi County Governor Gideon Mung’aro has called upon all co-operatives in the county to embrace good governance structures to instill trust in their members stating that his government will fully support co-operatives by putting in place relevant and required laws and policies.

Speaking during this year’s International Co-operative Day locally known as Ushirika Day which is observed on the first Saturday of July globally, Mung’aro revealed that the county government has already put strategic plans in place to enhance the performance of cooperatives in the region.

He assured the co-operative stakeholders and members that his government will speed up the process of approving the Kilifi County Cooperative Bill that is at the County Assembly, further adding that the bill will assist in enhancing good governance that would create a good environment for Cooperatives to thrive.


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The governor noted that he will continue supporting the agriculture co-operatives and improve their performance in order to enable them improve their performance and get access to better market of their products.

“My government is supporting 8 cooperatives in the Dairy and poultry Value Chains with handling and processing equipment that would assist them in value addition and market access. My government is also working with other partners under the NAVCDP, ASDSP and USAID to improve the capacities of Cooperatives in the Cashewnut, Apiculture, dairy, Mango, Cassava and african eye Bird Chilli (ABEC) value chains,” said Mung’aro during the County’s Ushirika Day celebrations which was held on July 6, 2024 at Mapimo Vocational and Training Centre at Gongoni trading centre in Magarini Sub County.

Kilifi County Ushirika Day Celebrations Steering Committee chairman John Ziro stated that the Co-operative movement in the country plays a vital role in uplifting living standards of their members.

Ziro who is also Imarika Sacco Board of directors’ chairman stated that the movement has highly contributed to the national gross domestic product (GDP) with the co-operative’s identity, values and principals setting a strong system for achieving social domestic goals.

Kilifi county Goveror, the chief geast H.E. Gidion Mung’aro delivering his spearch during Ushirika Day celebrations held at Gongoni traiding center in Magarini sub-county

“The Cooperative Movement has been further recognized as a suitable vehicle to mobilize the smallholders. Together, we create a force for positive change, further addressing challenges that transcend individual interests. As Cooperatives, we stand firm, supporting our members and communities through thick and thin,” said Ziro.

Kilifi County Executive Committee Member for Cooperative Development, Clara Chonga revealed that as of June 30, 2024 the county had registered 383 co-operatives with 65 them coming from Agricultural sector, while 318 from other sectors where savings and credit co-operatives (Saccos) formed the majority.

“We intend to deepen cooperatives in all wards in the county, further adding that registering Worker owned cooperatives to skilled Youth graduating from technical vocational education and training (TVET) institutions,” said Chonga.

By Tsozungu Kombe

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