Mentor Sacco management get tips on product innovation

By Kage Njoroge

A Co-operative University lecturer, Stanley Miring’u has advised the management of Mentor Sacco to be innovative and provide products which will solve problems affecting the people.
Miring’u pointed our that to survive in this highly competitive financial sector Saccos must design products which tackle challenges, needs and problems facing the society to attract business.
He was giving his remarks during the Sacco’s 41th Annual General Meeting in Murang’a town recently.
The Sacco has resolved to increase their nominal shares amount to boost the Sacco’s capital resources to render more effective financial services to the clients.
Mentor Sacco Board Chairman, Antony Kamau urged members to speed up the payment of the money to enable the Society meet its requirements set by SASRA.
During the meeting, members agreed to increase their individual nominal shares to Sh30,000 by September this year to improve capitation of the society.
While addressing the shareholders at Murang’a Sports Club, the Sacco boss pointed out that only 4,592 out of a possible 16,376 members had honoured their pledges fully.

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