PS Ronoh assures govt will restore profitability to coffee sector

PS State Department for Agriculture Dr. Kipronoh Ronoh at Torsogek Coffee Farmers Cooperative in Kericho County.

Principal Secretary – State Department for Agriculture, Dr. Kipronoh Ronoh, has assured coffee farmers that the government is committed to restore profitability to the coffee sector.

The PS attended Torsogek Coffee Farmers Cooperative in Kericho County to celebrate a key milestone said the coffee industry which supports around 5 million Kenyans must be supported.

The event was attended by farmers, cooperative leaders, and stakeholders to address sector challenges. Coffee performance determines the livelihoods and economic status of over 800,000 households in the rural areas of Kenya.

It is estimated that five million people depend on coffee for their livelihood and along the value chain which including the nursery operators, growers, agrochemical industry, millers, marketers, transporters, roasters, packers, financial institutions, insurance companies and coffee houses.


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Owing to its immense contribution to the economic growth of Kenya, coffee is one among the cash crops selected for commercialization in Kenya’s Big 4 Agenda.


By Obegi Malack


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