Ruto announces KSh300 million debt write-off for Bungoma coffee farmers

President William Ruto during opening of Webuye West Technical and Vocational College at Machakha on Friday, May 31.

Coffee farmers in Bungoma County are set to get a Sh300 million waiver in debt from government as part of the broader scheme to revamp the crop’s farming in the country.

President William Ruto announced during Madaraka Day Celebrations, Masinde Muliro Stadium Kanduyi, Bungoma County held today

The President added that the debt write-off plan is aimed at encouraging farmers and make the enterprise successful.


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Yesterday, Cabinet Secretary for Cooperatives and Micro and Small Enterprises conducted the Coffee Cherry Advance Revolving Fund (CCARF) sensitization programme in Chwele , Bungoma County together with the Principal Secretary for Cooperatives Patrick Kilemi, New KPCU PLC Managing Director Timothy Mirugi and Commissioner for Cooperatives David Obonyo among other leaders from both levels of government.

“Bungoma County has a great potential as a coffee growing era which needs to be tapped and as a responsive government, we will all we can to support our farmers because that is what Bottom Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) is all about,” he said.

By our reporter

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