Sacco auditing should be done only by SASRA, KUSCCO says

Kenya Union of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (KUSCCO) Advocacy Manager Mercy Njeru has urged the government to allow only the official regulator to audit Saccos in the country for improved efficiency, transparency and confidence among cooperative societies. Njeru said currently there are many state agencies competing to audit Saccos, raising suspicion among Saccos to the…

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SASRA: Saccos’ assets, deposits record growth in 2022 despite economic challenges

The SASRA Sacco Supervision Report 2022 has revealed that total assets by the Sacco sub-sector grew by 11.79 per cent with those from Deposit Taking (DT) Saccos standing at Ksh763.50 billion while those from Non-Withdrawable Deposit Taking (NWDT) Saccos shot to Ksh126.80 billion up from Ksh116. 02 billion recorded in 2021. The increase reflects a…

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Train Sacco leaders to avoid management wrangles, Coop chief advises

Bungoma County Chief Officer for Cooperatives Development Beatrice Nakhumicha has urged the county government to sensitize cooperative society leaders on leadership and management. Speaking during the International Cooperative Day celebrations, Nakhumicha attributed the collapse of cooperative societies in the region to management wrangles and argued that training the leaders on management will help solve the…

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Sacco leaders urged to embrace technology for smooth operations

Sacco leaders have been urged to use the appropriate technology to run Sacco operation so as to spur growth. Martin Kimani, an Associate Director in KPMG’s Technology Transformation Unit and a speaker at the forum, told the leaders that technology reaches more ground and keeps up with the ever changing business environment. Kimani said that…

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Sacco member: Ksh2.5 million Sacco loan positively changed my life

Herman Mwashighadi Mwachia can truly attest to how Saccos are beneficial to its members. Mwachia, who is a member of Qwetu Sacco, says that the Sacco changed his life for the better. The retired primary school teacher acquired a loan of Ksh2.5 million from Qwetu Sacco which he used to build a modern permanent house…

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