TNT Sacco loans have changed my fortunes

By Dennis Bett.

Emmanuel Changalwa Shikuku, a Primary School Head Teacher at St. Emmanuel School in Trans-Nzoia County, is living in a beautiful house courtesy of loans from Trans National Times Sacco.
“When I got employed by the TSC, I never imagined that it was possible to accomplish anything in life with my using my meager salary. In those days, taking a loan from the bank was too expensive,” said Mr. Shikuku.
It all began more than 16 years ago when Changalwa visited his friend in Bomet County. He was surprised that his friend, who was also a teacher like him, owned a house.
“I joined Trans National Times on the advice of this friend and begun saving so as to invest in construction of my own house,” said Shikuku.
Shikuku took the first loan of Sh 39, 000 from the Sacco to buy a 2-acre plot in Kiminini.  He went on for another loan of Sh 250,000 from Trans National Times Sacco and topped up this amount with his own Sh 50,000 to purchase a second plot in Bidii, Kitale town.
In 2005, he approached Trans National Times Sacco for another loan of Sh 280,000-cash that was all used up in putting up the foundation of his mansion. This project stalled for another four years before Shikuku borrowed another loan of Sh 200,000, which pushed up the building upto the roof.
“I borrowed another Sh 200,000 which enabled me to finally complete construction of the mansion in 2013,” said Shikuku.
Trans National Times Sacco management came and officially opened the mansion that same year.  He has already entered into partnership with Trans National Times Sacco to build rental houses in several of his plots in Kitale. Shikuku currently runs a hotel business in Kitale and is constantly receiving financial assistance from Trans Nation Times Sacco, including frequent loan top ups, to improve and expand his business empire.
Shikuku, a father of five has educated all his children through school, college and university using loans from Trans Nation Times Sacco.
Apart from real estate and hotel business, Shikuku has also moved from maize to sugarcane farming. He has put 3- acre plot under sugarcane and says venture is profitable.

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