Three Ukambani governors under South Eastern Kenya Economic Block (SEKEB) have promised to continue being united and engage the National Government on matters to do with the livelihoods of the residents.
In a meeting at Makueni governor’s office, Kitui Governor Julius Malombe,
Governor Wavinya Ndeti (Machakos) and Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo noted that they are geared towards ensuring the region gets required benefits from the State.
Among the issues discussed were water, trade, roads and education.
On education and youth, Malombe who handed over the chairpersonship to Wavinya noted that Kitui has got Tseikuru National Polytechnic which was elevated from technical training institute recently.
“We are happy because many of our youths will be absorbed in it thus acquiring the required skills which can help them even employ themselves thus being busy with their lives,” Malombe said.
He noted that the county is improving the technical training institutes to train more youths in the area and even outside.
The governor added that the county is geared towards implementing ‘kazi kwa vijana’ programme so that the youths can get some money and be productive.

On her part, Wavinya noted that for the sake of the youths Machakos has started studios to empower them in different fields.
“There is problem of drug abuse and we are going to train over 1000 youths so that they can venture in business,” Ndeti.
She noted that the trainings will be incorporated with ICT and agriculture, with the latter being compulsory. She added that when the youths are equipped and empowered, they become useful in the society and suicidal incidences are curbed.
Mutula said that the issue of drug abuse is devastating even at national level. He observed that there will be specialized training for youths in different fields and different affiliated universities in the counties.
He revealed that the county is going to make muguka growing expensive such that the levy will not be afforded thus ensuring the business collapse. “You can’t imagine people are clearing fruits and other crops to plant muguka for easy cash forgetting that it’s ruining our youths completely,” Mutula.
The governor noted that they are going to be more vigilante since bhang and other sorts of drugs comes through Mombasa road.
By Lydia Ngoolo
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