Woman who led Banana Sacco dies

By Boniface Mulu

The former chairperson of the Kitui Banana Women Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Limited was recently buried at her Kwa Ngindu village home in Kyangwithya.

The 83 years old Alice Mumbi Malonza who was a trainer on female gender issues, died at the Jordan Hospital in Kitui Town on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 and was burried on Tuesday, April  20, 2021.

Kitui County Governor Charity Kaluki Ngilu was among the leaders who attended the burial ceremony.

.After completing her education in 1954, Malonza was employed in the Ministry of Agriculture from 1955 to 1957, before she moved the Ministry of Culture and Social Services as a women’s trainer from 1958 to 1960.

She later ventured into business in 1971 and in 1974, was among the founders of the Kitui Banana Women Self-help Group.

They converted the group into a Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Sacco in 1978 and she became the society’s third chairperson from 1981 to 1993.

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