Nyakach coffee farmers benefit from 8,000 coffee seedlings

Flagging off of the seedlings.

Kisumu County is revitalising coffee farming to stimulate economic growth in the region. Recently, the Nyakach Cooperative Society farmers benefited from 8,000 coffee seedlings from the Agriculture Food Authority (AFA) in collaboration with the county government.

The distribution of the seedlings to the farmers was spearheaded by the PS for Trade, Alfred Kombudo together with the Kisumu Deputy Governor Dr Matthew Owili who was the host.

Prior to the distribution, the delegation from Coffee Directorate together with AFA representatives led by the PS Kombudo paid a courtesy call to the Deputy Governor’s office.

Distribution of seedlings

The deliberations centered around reviving Coffee Farming in Kisumu among other crop value chains that would boost Kisumu’s economic growth through exports.

Commending the County administration for spearheading development, he urged them to produce the crop for exporting now that the country is exporting coffee to EU and the interest has been developed in the United States market which is an opportunity Kisumu should grab.


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Speaking to the farmers at Siany Hall in Nyakach, he urged the farmers to form functional cooperative Societies since it is the only way they can access some support from the two levels of government.

Dr Owili expressing his gratitude to the partners for their support, he said that the coffee is ranked high among the cash crops and that Kisumu is endowed with the good soil and rain patterns that favour the production of the robusta coffee variety.

He also promised to support the Cooperative Society with a new machine and 10,000 more seedlings if only they increase productivity.

Nyakach Farmers Cooperative Society was established in 2014 to advance cultivation, coffee bean wet milling and marketing.

By our reporter

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