Tourism Fund Trust to Support Tvets To Sell Kenya To The World.

chairman Tourism fund board trustees Samson Some addressing the media

As majority of Kenyan youths struggle to get employment, the chairman Tourism fund board trustees Samson Some has urged the youth to join TVET institutions and do courses related to the hotel industry as Kenya has potential for human capital.

Speaking in Meru National Polytechnic, Mr. Samson said many countries are seeking human capital from Kenya.

He appreciated the work being done by TVET institutions countrywide on ensuring that young people get skills and innovation, noting that that was the only way to get skilled labor not only in the country but also in the world.

“As tourism board, we are supporting all TVET institutions and students in the country and bring them on board to ensure we have the required human capital which is competitive globally “. Mr. Some noted.

Meru National Polytechnic Chief Principal Mutembei Kigige appreciated the move by the tourism board, noting that majority of the students undertaking hotel industry from Meru, Isiolo, Laikipia, Embu, Marsabit and Tharaka Nithi counties in the Meru National Polytechnic and those who have completed will have a way out to get job opportunities not only here in Kenya but also outside the country.

Meru national polytechnic is also offering foreign languages to the students so as to be competitive globally. With foreign languages, we are trying to ensure that we do not only produce human capital just for local employment but also for international capital “. Meru National Polytechnic Chief Principal emphasized.

He urged parents to enroll their children in TVET institutions, adding that skilled labor is what is currently in the market and one is able to get good money in return.

Harriet Makena, the CEMM tourism at the Meru county government expressed her gratitude for the move by the Kenya tourism board of funding and facilitating students at Meru national polytechnic to become global human resource.

“As Meru county government, we are also working hard to market Meru county as a tourism hub as the county has many tourism sites not forgetting Meru National park is located within the county. I urged students graduating from our TVET institutions to seek job opportunities in our hospitality industries in the county as there are many opportunities “. Miss Makena advised.


By Jeff Mwangi.


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