Farmers in Isiolo, Meru, and Laikipia learn innovative sustainable agricultural practices

A demonstration farm at Munanda kwa Mungania in Buuri constituency, Meru county.

Farmers, students and pupils from Arid and semi-arid areas of Isiolo, Meru and Laikipia counties received digital literacy and modern agriculture skills to fight food insecurity.

The Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in collaboration with other partners brought experts in Agriculture and Dairy farming who sensitized them on effective methods of pests and diseases control in crops, crop varieties and how productive they can be, animal husbandry as per land use and climate conservation measures within communities.

The program aims to facilitate knowledge exchange, enhance resilience, and promote sustainable development by leveraging extensive networks and expertise to address climate change adaptation and promote climate-smart agriculture (CSA) and sustainable land management.

Lewa CPPO John Kinoti stressed that technology is taking over every sector.

Kinoti said farmers were equipped with Conservation Agriculture, Soil Health Management, Soil and Water Conservation, water management, water harvesting, drip irrigation technology, use of quality organic and inorganic fertilizers, use of hybrid/certified seeds, drought-tolerant varieties, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), forestry and agroforestry, nutritious fodder (Brachiaria grass), fodder conservation (silage making), animal health management, renewable energy (solar and biogas technology), linkages with reliable markets, and post-harvest handling (use of hermetic bags).

“We must work together now more than ever to create sustainable food systems that can nourish every person on the planet while preserving the resources we all depend on, such as water. We are committed to doing our part through supporting all the farmers surrounding our conservancy” stated Lewa’s CPPO Kinoti.

Speaking during the celebrations of World Food Day at Munanda Kwa Mungania in Buuri constituency, Meru County, Lawrence Rungu, the community development program manager at Lewa, emphasized on the need for concerted efforts in the fight against climate change, food insecurity and how individual farmers can generate income.

Over 30 industry stakeholders/partners showcased various climate-smart technologies.


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He said the plots will be a permanent demonstration to enable communities to learn that even in arid and semi-arid areas crops can thrive.

“There are so many community social responsibility programs we are undertaking within these communities including 17 water projects, Women micro enterprise initiative where women get empowerment loans, Education programs among others.

The conservancy is operating only one borehole for several demonstration plots and also benefiting about 70 farmers around the area,” said Rungu.

Purity Kinoti said more than 270 pupils and students who were present could not hide their joy after CBC became a practical exercise especially on application of fertilizer, conserving environment, diseases control and crop varieties.

“We are here instilling knowledge and outdoor learning to 280 learners where we anticipate this will be reciprocated to their own schools,” she said.

Farmer Peter Muriuki thanked Lewa Conservancy for the free skill acquisition on Dairy farming, Kitchen garden, drip irrigation, environment conservation and Biogas use among others.

“I had a force to learn about onions and cow rearing, my area is often arid but I am happy to see in their demonstration plots crops subdued the harsh weather and are very fruitful. It is upon the Farmer to get proper crops for a region. I am now informed on the best type of grass to grow and Biogas construction because I believe in the next few years, the technology of Biogas will have overtaken firewood use. This will help conserve the environment because there will be no more cutting of trees for firewood.

The showcasing should be decentralized to remote areas,” Muriuki said.


By John Majau.


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