Bodaboda groups in Kilifi get car wash machines, water tanks from NGAAF

Kilifi Women Representative Getrude Mbeyu./Photo courtesy

More than 600 bodaboda operators, tuktuk, and taxi drivers have received grants in form of cheques, car washing machines and water tanks from the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF) worth Ksh3.5 million that will help uplift their standards of living.

The project pioneered by the Kilifi Women Representative Getrude Mbeyu seeks to empower the youth who are facing major financial constraints due to high unemployment rate.

Speaking during the official handing over of the equipment at the Karisa Maitha Grounds recently, Mbeyu said that the 30 groups will get the washing machines and water tanks, a move which will create employment opportunities and generate income.


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“We want these youth to start their own income generating activities and the NGAAF grants is their money which they are supposed to invest wisely to empower themselves,” she said.

She called upon the residents in Kilifi County to form groups like the bodaboda one so as to ensure that they can receive the tokens from the government.

“I appeal to youth, women and people living with disability to register themselves in groups and apply for these funds because that is the only sure way to help empower them in our country that has a huge unemployment problem, they should not fear thinking it is a lone, this is a grant, money that you will not return,” she added.

The youth thanked the woman rep for coming up with the initiative saying that they would be able to use the equipment to uplift their livelihoods and ensure those who were jobless get income.

Jonathan Kalume, the chairperson of the Kilifi tuktuk operators said that the washing machines will pull back many operators into business adding that many of them had been layed off after some owners of the tuktuks halted their investments due to the high cost of living.

“We have many of our colleagues who went jobless after some tuktuk owners pulled their tuktuks out of business due to the high cost of living but with the car washing machines, some of those who are jobless will get fresh opportunities in our car washing businesses,” he said.

By Nehemiah Okwembah


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