Agriculture Principal Secretary Dr Paul Rono./ Photo courtesy

Nyanza sugar cartels put on notice

Principal Secretary in the State Department of Agriculture Dr Paul Rono has affirmed that the government is going to deal with sugar cartels in the Nyanza Region in a bid to ensure that sugar farmers fully benefit from their sweat. Speaking during a stakeholder’s visit to inspect the status of Muhoroni and Chemelil Sugar factories,…

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Kilifi Women Representative Getrude Mbeyu./Photo courtesy

Bodaboda groups in Kilifi get car wash machines, water tanks from NGAAF

More than 600 bodaboda operators, tuktuk, and taxi drivers have received grants in form of cheques, car washing machines and water tanks from the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF) worth Ksh3.5 million that will help uplift their standards of living. The project pioneered by the Kilifi Women Representative Getrude Mbeyu seeks to empower the…

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Anchor Premier Sacco chairperson Joseph Mbai during a meeting / Photo courtesy

Ruto advised to appoint Co-op CS with experience in sector

As the President plans to reconstitute his cabinet, members of a Sacco have urged him to appoint a Cabinet Secretary with expertise in managing cooperatives. Members of Anchor Premier Sacco have expressed that appointing someone with experience in managing cooperative societies to lead the Ministry of Cooperatives and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Development would…

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Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka. Photo: Courtesy

Co-operative Bill deferred after governors complain of being sidelined

The Co-operative Bill, 2023 has now been put on hold after county governors claimed that they were not consulted during the drafting. Sponsored by the government through the Ministry of Co-operatives and Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) Development, the Bill was in Parliament to allow for its first reading before proceeding to other stages…

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41,000 people join Saccos in Kajiado County

By Isaac Lenkou The Kajiado County Government has disclosed that over 41,000 people have joined Co-operatives in the last three years. The Societies transaction total business worth Sh 470 million. “I commend efforts undertaken by Co-operatives to improve the livelihood of people in Kajiado County,” said Paul Ntiati, Deputy Governor, Kajiado County during the 94th…

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Top Saccos in Kenya listed

[dropcap]D[/dropcap]By Jackson Okoth It was one of the most gratifying moments as Saccos from virtually all sectors of the economy featured at Uhuru Park Nairobi, to mark the 94th International Co-operatives Day. The event, also known as Ushirika Day, was commemorated in all the counties. There was jubilation, song and dance, each time a society’s…

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