Retired Boresha Sacco Chief Executive Officer Moses Chebor opens up about his life in retirement. He narrates how he keeps himself busy, his association with the communities and his future plans.
He started by thanking Boresha Sacco for giving him an opportunity to serve as CEO for 35 years, a position that give him knowledge and experience.
Chebor also thanked the Sacco for giving him a colourful sendoff ceremony which was held in February 2021 and attended by the management and staffs of the Sacco.
“I also thank the Sacco for giving me a pick -up that has helped me do my farm cores within Nakuru,” said Chebor.
He elaborated that after retirement, he had an idea of concentrating on dairy farming. He sought for advice from dairy farming experts who told him to ensure he has enough food for the cattle before venturing into the project.
He bought 17 dairy cows but due to shortage of food to feed them adequately, he sold 15 cows and remained with two which he has to date.
Chebor said that while he was working as CEO, he bought some plots in various parts of Nakuru city like Kabarak, Kiamunyi, London and Kapkures where he has started to invest various projects like real estate, bee-keeping, dairy cattle, poultry rearing and other income generating activities.
At London, Chebor has a house where he stays with his family.
“I can get time to spend with my family and also relax and do my own development programs,” he said. At Kiamunyi area, he has 5 dairy cows.
One of the cows produces 20 litres of milk per day, another one eleven liters of milk per day while rest are yet to produce milk.
“I have 50 tonnes of silage which will act as food for the dairy cattle although I will have to supplement with other available feeds to ensure they get the required nutrients.
H added that in the same plot, he has constructed rental houses, called Amani Estate.
“The tenants are my immediate customers for milk from my cows,” he said.
In the same plot in Kiamunyi ,Chebor has poultry who produce eggs being sold in the City and to the neighbouring communities.
“Poultry is good because it assists in financial liquidity, ”said Chebor.
Chebor also said he has a plot at Kapkures that he bought while he was working but he constructed it after retirement.
He says that his future plan is to venture into real estate investment and dairy farming industry.
“My future plan is to have 20 dairy cattle which will be providing 400 litres per day which in turn will give me Ksh600, 000 per month considering current price of milk is Ksh50 per litre”, he said.
He noted that the dairy cattle will assist him to improve his financial status.
The only challenge facing dairy cattle project is inadequate food for the cattle, but Chebor said he will ensure all cow get enough food to improve its milk production.
His advice to the CEOs of various organizations is to buy plots and build houses because it will help them when they retire from their jobs.
“CEOs should invest while they are in the office because those investments will help them in future,” said Chebor.
He also advises them to work in their office professionally and balance between their office work and family so that both family and the organization benefit.
Chebor said currently, he offers advisory roles to farmers’ cooperative societies on how they can access credit.
He also involves himself in community, church and schools development projects for the benefit of the society.
By Peter Otuor
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