Mudavadi: Agriculture top priority in Govt’s economic transformation agenda

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has revealed that the government has placed innovation in agriculture as the top pillar of the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BeTA). Speaking during this year’s Kisumu regional show, Mudavadi said BeTA prioritizes on rice, edible oils, cotton, coffee, maize, tea, leather and dairy value chains with the aim of achieving…

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Commissioner lauds agribusiness innovations that enhance food security

Nyanza Regional Commissioner Flora Mworoa has lauded farmers and entrepreneurs for their superb display of innovative agribusiness ideas that seek to address the problem of climate change and enhance food security. Speaking during the Kisumu Regional Agricultural Society of Kenya (ASK) Show held at Mamboleo ASK Grounds, Mworoa, who represented Interior Principal Secretary Dr. Raymond Omollo,…

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MUSCO insolvency: How billions were lost to outrageous investments

The one time vibrant Moi University Savings and Credit Cooperative Society (MUSCO) is now on its deathbed.  The Sacco’s MUSCO Towers, a commercial building in Eldoret town, will forever bring back painful memories to the thousands of Sacco members who are not sure whether they will ever recover their hard earned cash they pumped into…

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Nehemiah Suge: resolute father of co-operative movement in South Rift

The successful growth of most Saccos in Kericho and Bomet counties can be traced back to serious commitment by a few ambitious elders. Most of the prominent businessmen today in Kericho County started in a trade known as “Kipsigirio”, which is the use of donkeys to transport commodities. Others were pioneer teachers, while some were the…

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Competition for payment of super dividends costs cooperative movement

Competition for payment of super dividends and interest on deposits among Saccos has topped the list of the major issues affecting the pace of growth of the cooperative movement in the country. The Kenya Society of Professional Co-operators (KSPC) has raised concern over the current trend of offering super dividends and interest on members’ deposits…

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Coop expert urges region to support resident Saccos

The Co-operative movement in the country’s Western region can only register development if county governments put proper measures in place to support Saccos in their jurisdictions, seasoned co-operative expert Owuor Awuor has said. Owuor, who is a long time regional leader of the giant Ushuru Sacco, observed that most co-operative societies in the region are…

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Lecturer’s innovation to spearhead affordable housing

Dr Joseph Mwiti’s innovation of manufacturing cement using clay will serve as a welcome relief to thousands of Kenyans who aspire to build home. Dr Mwiti, a lecturer who teaches Chemistry at Meru University of Science and Technology (MUST), believes that using clay to make cement will revolutionize construction and provide a solution to high…

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