Groups urged to promptly repay Uwezo Fund loans

Kaloleni sub county Youth Development Officer Festus Matee has urged the beneficiaries of the Uwezo Fund to promptly repay their loans to enable other groups benefit. Matee noted that from the Ksh23, 255,000 issued to 192 Women, Youth and persons with disability groups in Kaloleni Sub County, only Ksh7,234,060 has been repaid. “That translates to…

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County to revive over 200 dormant cooperatives

Kwale County Cooperative Director Mohammed Mkanga has revealed that at least 200 dormant cooperative societies in the county are set for revival. Mkanga said this year, three dormant cooperative societies have already been revived. He revealed that there are many dormant cooperative societies yet there isn’t sufficient budget allocated for their revival since the department depends…

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Vipingo Workers Cooperative Society on verge of collapse due to funds mismanagement

Vipingo Workers Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Limited, established in 1988 to cater for the financial needs of workers in Kilifi South, Kilifi County, faces an uncertain future due to mismanagement of members’ funds. The Sacco’s instability is caused by irregular lending practices. The chronic financial mismanagement, highlighted by a Ksh41 million loss in an…

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Coop sector deserves Govt support, Kilifi DG says

Kilifi County Deputy Governor Flora Mbetsa Chibule has stressed the need to support cooperatives as key enablers of Kenya’s improved social and economic growth. Cooperatives, she said, cut across all the sectors of the economy, namely agriculture, mining, housing, transport, and manufacturing. In addition, they are known worldwide as instruments of poverty eradication and wealth…

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Sacco member: Ksh2.5 million Sacco loan positively changed my life

Herman Mwashighadi Mwachia can truly attest to how Saccos are beneficial to its members. Mwachia, who is a member of Qwetu Sacco, says that the Sacco changed his life for the better. The retired primary school teacher acquired a loan of Ksh2.5 million from Qwetu Sacco which he used to build a modern permanent house…

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