Report: Cooperatives yet to fully embrace digital technology

A cooperative society baseline survey conducted recently found that many Saccos have no websites, email addresses and other digital assets, resulting in the low level of digitization in cooperative societies governed by the State Department of Cooperatives (SDC). Earlier on, the SDC engaged in a campaign urging co-operative movements notably the Saccos to go digital…

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Siaya KNCCI loans

Siaya traders receive loans from KNCCI

Small-scale traders in Siaya County have received business loans from Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (KNCCI) MasterCard programme.  The KNCCI Siaya branch Chairperson Mrs. Roseline Omuga said the first group of traders at Kambare trading center in Gem sub-county have received a minimum of Ksh30,000 interest-free loans.  She encouraged more traders from across…

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Saccos declaring questionable dividends, bonuses, says KSPC

Cooperative sector practitioners have expressed concerns over the manner in which Saccos and cooperatives are declaring dividends and interest on deposits, as well as honoraria payments. Through Kenya Society of Professional Co-operators (KSPC), the practitioners observed that there are a lot of malpractices among cooperatives in the way dividends, interest on deposits and honoraria are…

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SASRA: Saccos have 21 days to address members’ complaints

Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) has issued new guidelines on complaints management by cooperatives. According to the new guidelines, Saccos have only 21 days to investigate and solve members’ complaints. The days will be split into two; 14 working days for carrying out investigations into complaints and an additional seven days to communicate to members…

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Obonyo raises alarm over increased cybersecurity attacks in Saccos

Commissioner for Cooperatives David Obonyo has raised concern over the threats posed by cyber-related crimes in Sacco operations. Obonyo lamented that criminal activities that target users through computers and phones have been on the increase in the Saccos. “This challenge is more prominent in Saccos that are financially struggling and those that are suffering from…

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Banks urged to change lending packages to serve SMEs

The government is negotiating with banking institutions to streamline their lending packages to accommodate small and medium enterprises, which are thought to be the pillar to the country’s future economy. Cooperatives Cabinet Secretary Simon Chelugui said the government was consulting with banks to restructure and be more attractive to the small and medium enterprises. Chelugui…

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KSPC wants policy safeguards on assets of Coops facing liquidation

A 2020 Survey conducted by the State Department for Co-operative Development revealed that there are 5,723 dormant cooperatives, which are at risk of losing its assets to unscrupulous officials.  Kenya Society of Professional Co-operators (KSPC) is now calling on government to develop policy guidelines that will help to safeguard assets of cooperatives that may fall…

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CA raises alarm over increased cybersecurity attacks

The Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) has raised concern over the high number of cyber security attacks, which rose from 7.7 million in 2018 to 444 million in 2023. Speaking in Kisumu during the awards ceremony of the Kisumu edition of the Authority’s cyber security bootcamp and hackathon series 2023, Internal Audit Director Rosalid Muriithi…

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