Govt to unveil Co-operative policy

By Stephen Makabila. The State Department of Co-operatives has embarked on a new four-year strategic plan aimed at taking the sector to the next level, even as it plans to unveil a new Co-operative policy by next month. The department has equally focused on major activities that may turn around the sector this year with…

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Trans-National Sacco to go after loan defaulters

By Kephas Ayiecha Trans National Times Sacco has warned of stern action against Sacco members who default on loans. Sacco Chairman, Christopher Nyongesa (pictured) said the defaulters had caused the society to fail to implement its projects and risk being overtaken by others. Nyongesa noted that as a result, some faithful members who had acted…

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Top Sacco officials to be vetted

By Jackson Okoth A bill that the Sacco So­cieties Regulatory Au­thority (SASRA) to vet all top Sacco officials engaged in Deposit Taking business is currently before parliament. The Sacco Societies (Amendment) Bill 2016, re­ceived unanimous support from Savings and Credit Co-opera­tive Society industry bigwigs after two days of stormy de­bates at the Sarova Whitesands Beach…

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Inter-Sacco lending facility almost complete

By Jackson Okoth An American consultancy appointed to assist the Sacco Societies Regu­latory Authority (SASRA) set up a facility to allow Saccos lend to each other like banks do, is almost completing the task. Madison-based Dave Grace & Associ­ates is expected to provide a roadmap for establishment of central liquidity facility for Savings and credit…

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