Government to support production of orthodox tea due to it high demand globally

Agriculture and Livestock Development Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi has announced plans to accelerate production of orthodox tea processing following its high souring demands internationally.

Speaking at Githongo and Imenti tea factories in Meru County Saturday June 15, the CS said the special tea fetch higher market prices globally compared to the common tea.

The future of tea is orthodox so the government is set to fund and support all tea factories across the country to produce the tea,” he noted.

He said through value addition, the tea will be able to attract more new markets hence boost the economy of the country by double digits.

“Orthodox tea demand continue to go high because it is the most wanted tea in most international nations. The government will ensure orthodox tea is produced in all factories,” said the CS.

Research shows that Kenya earn KSh5 billion from orthodox tea which is only produced by eleven factories in the country.


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Linturi lamented that the best tea prices for farmers would be best achieved through value addition and modern farming.

Accompanied by area MP Kirima Guchine Linturi urged the farmers to work together with the government noting the ministry has introduced massive value -addition of the cash crop before export.

He noted that foreign nations are currently earning more from Kenyans tea and coffee by processing the produce through value addition before exporting to international markets.

“Kenya is the world leading exporter of tea but other countries brand it through value addition which they sell at a very high price,” said Linturi.

Addressing farmers when he also visited Michimikuru (Tigania East) and Kegoi (Igembe Central) tea factories, he added Kenya Kwanza government focus on value addition agro processing as the best way to increase farmers earning and stimulate growth of the country’s economy in the Vision 2030.

He added most of tea reforms were hindered and stagnated by cases which were filed by some Kenya Tea Development Authority (KTDA) directors.

“We have agreed with the directors who went to court  to withdraw the case  and put their political personal interest aside so that we can implement some of the reforms in tea Act  which we are sure will greatly  benefit the farmers directly and the country,” said Linturi.

He asked  Kenyans  to be patient with President William Ruto‘s government noting  agriculture has been given top priority in his  bottom-up economy model calling on them to support it by paying tax to enable the government accomplish all developmental projects.

The former Meru County Senator at the same time announced that this month the President will launch the first ever Kenyans branded tea that will be among the main export.

By John Majau

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