Nyanza investment conference postponed

ICT Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo

The Nyanza international investment conference which was scheduled to take place from Friday June 28 has been postponed indefinitely.

According to a press statement from the organizing committee, the event scheduled for June 28 and 29 has been put on hold until new dates are announced.

According to ICT Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo, the conference was to be officially opened by President William Ruto who was also supposed to deliver the keynote address.

The statement released by the Nyanza International Investment Conference said that “Given the prevailing situation in the country, we, the Organizing Committee of the Nyanza International Investment Conference, have decided to postpone the conference until a later date. We will inform you of the new conference dates after carefully reviewing the necessary parameters to ensure a successful conference. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and promise to remain in touch once new dates have been identified.”

The Theme of the conference is Nyanza Rising: Towards Economic Transformation for Socio-Economic Growth & Development. 

The statement was signed by Japh Olende Chairman – of the Nyanza International Investment Conference and Engineer George Omolo MacOdawa and Chairman of the Nyanza Professionals’ Forum.

By Fredrick Odiero

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