PS Kilemi urges Sacco leaders to uphold good governance for growth sector

PS Cooperatives Principal Patrick Kilemi (centre) with SASRA Chair Jack Ranguma (left) during Sacco sub sector Regulatory Policy and Legal Roundtable 2024 forum in Naivasha recently. Photo by Obegi Malack PS Cooperatives Principal Patrick Kilemi (centre) with SASRA Chair Jack Ranguma (left) during Sacco sub sector Regulatory Policy and Legal Roundtable 2024 forum in Naivasha recently. Photo by Obegi Malack

Principal Secretary State Department for Cooperatives Patrick Kilemi has asked Sacco leaders to uphold good governance practices.

The PS speaking recently during closing ceremony of The Annual Sacco Sub sector Regulatory Policy and Legal Roundtable, 2024 in Naivasha organised by The Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA), he said the Sacco leaders should take their responsibilities in their Saccos.

Kilemi noted that Sacco leaders should not support SASRA in carrying out its mandate, observing that the sector contributes a lot to the growth of the economy and empowering of members.

He also challenged the leaders to invest in educating people on the culture of saving, noting that saving culture provides financial security and helps during emergencies.


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The PS  commended SASRA for holding the Regulatory Policy and Legal Roundtable, 2024 forum, saying it’s crucial for the leaders since they will address issues facing the sector.

They called on the leaders to support the Cooperatives Bill 2024 by having discussion with their member of parliament on importance of the bill.

He noted that the bill promotes good governance and protect members’ savings.

The Cooperatives Bill 2024 which is at the core in the implementation of the National Cooperative Policy 2019 was officially published in the Kenya Gazette as a government bill on February 23, 2024 and now  awaits discussion in Parliament .

SASRA Board of Directors Chair Jack Ranguma said the regulatory body helps Sacco to growth.

He said the forum was successful since the leaders shared practical experiences about the sector.

By Obegi Malack

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