Sacco builds staff capacity to boost service delivery

By Our Reporter

Finnlemm Sacco is keen to build the capacity of its staff and board members to ensure informed and prudent decision making.

The board also underwent training to enhance board members understanding of their roles and responsibility.

The in-house training is being done every year to ensure induction of all new board members.

“The board has participated in leadership forums where they network and benchmark with leaders in other Saccos as well as the regulators,” Sacco’s Board Chairperson Rachel Ngondo.

Ngondo further noted that they have strengthened their board committees to oversee policy development, review and implementation.

“The Audit and Risk Committee was incorporated to ensure board oversight in risk mitigation,” explained Ngondo.”

She acknowledges all members for their continued support which she noted had enabled the management to strengthen and grow the Sacco despite the difficult economic conditions experienced last year.

She added that this year’s performance has demonstrated the strength of their brand as a going concern with promising future growth.

“I wish to extend our appreciation to all our members, our partners, service providers and the State Department of Co-operatives without whom, we cannot be where we are today.” said Ngondo.

She said membership analysis also shows the average age of their members is 44, indicating that they have an older membership compared to the mean age of 20 years in the country.

“We have been taking initiatives to encourage more women and youth to join our Sacco and you will see more activities targeted at these groups.” added Ngondo.

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