Saccos declaring questionable dividends, bonuses, says KSPC

Cooperative sector practitioners have expressed concerns over the manner in which Saccos and cooperatives are declaring dividends and interest on deposits, as well as honoraria payments. Through Kenya Society of Professional Co-operators (KSPC), the practitioners observed that there are a lot of malpractices among cooperatives in the way dividends, interest on deposits and honoraria are…

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Co-operatives set for a dividend bonanza from Co-op Bank’s Ksh8.8B cash dividend payout

By Felix Wanderi Co-operative Bank board of directors has recommended a dividend of Ksh 1.50 per share, subject to approval by the regulators and shareholders. Co-op Bank Group CEO Gideon Muriuki said the proposed dividends represent a 50 per cent increase on the Ksh 1.00 per share paid out last year. He added that the bank will pay out a…

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