
How Saccos can deal with non-performing loan accounts

A Sacco is a member-owned financial cooperative society whose purpose is to pool savings from members and use the funds to provide them with affordable credits. The process of acquiring loans has been simplified and digitized in many Saccos through mobile banking, a process that has made the loans easily accessible to members. Saccos offer…

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Industry leaders call for caution in push for Sacco mergers

Sacco leaders are expressing mixed reactions to the regulator’s call for mergers as deposits get skewed towards large entities. While leaders of various Saccos support the proposal by the Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) that Saccos should consider merging to avoid collapsing, they are calling for caution.Traditionally, Saccos have opted for organic growth, with mergers…

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The importance of Ushirika Day celebrations to coop sector

As cooperators troop to various venues across the country to celebrate the International Day for Cooperatives, commonly known as Ushirika Day locally, it’s important to look at what the day means for players in this industry. Ushirika day 2023 has a unique theme of Cooperatives: Partners For Accelerated Sustainable Development. The theme attempts to reflect…

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NGO issues Ksh60M startup capital, kits to 1,800 vulnerable youth

More than 1,800 youth in Meru and Tharaka Nithi counties have received startup capital and kits worth Ksh60 million in a business incubation programme by Zoe Empowers that targets orphaned and vulnerable youths. Zoe Empowers is a non-governmental organisation that supports child headed families and orphans through business and vocational skills training. Speaking while issuing…

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Farmers under The Potato Consortium to reap first harvest today

Potato farmers, who are the key players in the potato value chain “The Potato Consortium”, will today witness the harvesting of potatoes in the first demonstration farm in Kieni sub county, Nyeri county. The consortium, led by Co-operative Bank and the County Government of Nyeri alongside other consortium partners Yara E.A, Bayer E.A and Agrico PSA, will see the buyer of…

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Join Saccos for prosperity, Coop director urges youth

Young traders in Embu County have been challenged to form or join Saccos to qualify and access loans to enable them upgrade to become entrepreneurs. Embu County Director of Cooperatives David Muriuki cautioned the traders against underestimating the financial resources they mobilized daily, further urging them to save at least Ksh20 daily. “Saving in Saccos…

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